Notes from the Field 175: What’s Lighting Us Up Wildland Fire Training from The Ember Alliance
In partnership with Front Range Community College and Aerie Backcountry Medicine, training staff from The Ember Alliance (TEA) have been putting on a unique blend of National Wildfire Coordinating Group…
Notes from the field 176: The Pulaski Club: Training the Next Generation
Led by math teacher and wildland firefighter Bryan Kerns since 2018, the Dobyns-Bennett High School Pulaski Club offers high school students a unique opportunity to gain real world experience on…
Notes from the Field 178: Rogue Valley Prescribed Burn Association: Increasing Community Support for Fire Through Participation
Together with the Applegate Partnership and Watershed Council and the Oregon State University Extension Service Fire Program, and with support from the Fire Learning Network, the Nature Conservancy and others,…
Spanish: Notes from the Field Number 183: Alto Minho Traditional Fire Training Exchange, a report from the third TREX held in northwestern Portugal in February
Los Intercambios de Entrenamiento de Fuego (TREX) son intercambios de aprendizaje diseñados para empoderar a las comunidades y a los profesionales mientras trabajan juntos realizando de forma segura quemas prescritas…
Notes from the Field Number 179: – On-Call Crews: An Early-Career Assignment, a report from a North America Fire Team on-call crew member on assignment in northern Idaho
Joaquin Pastrana recently completed an assignment on the Northern Idaho Burn Crew, based in Coeur d’Alene, as part of the North America Fire Team’s on-call burn crews project. During the…
Notes from the Field Number 180: Southern Blue Ridge Fire Fair, highlights from a public outreach event in North Carolina, with links to Learn-and-Burns
If you work in wildland fire, you are asked lots of questions about how and why. How do you conduct a prescribed fire? How do you put out wildfires? Why…
SPANISH VERSION: Notes from the Field Number 182: Niobrara Valley Preserve TREX, a report on the April 2023 event from a group of international participants
El TREX de Niobrara Valley Preserve, ubicado en 42269 Morel Road en Johnstown, es un proyecto Fire Learning Network (FLN), en Nebraska, Estados Unidos, al que asistieron un grupo de…
Notes from the Field Number 182: Niobrara Valley Preserve TREX, a report on the April 2023 event from a group of international participants
The Niobrara Valley Preserve Prescribed Fire Training Exchange (TREX), hosted by the Fire Learning Network and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Nebraska, welcomed 35 fire practitioners with a wide range…