Report: Certified Prescribed Burn Manager Programs

This report is supported by Promoting Ecosystem Resilience and Fire Adapted Communities Together, a cooperative agreement between The Nature Conservancy, USDA Forest Service, and agencies of the Department of the Interior. The Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council and Washington Prescribed Fire Council were instrumental in the development of this report. The following experts provided invaluable insights about best practices and lessons learned for certified prescribed burn manager programs, and we are grateful for their time and contributions:

• Aaron Gay (North Carolina Forest Service)
• Cabe Speary (North Carolina Forest Service)
• Dave Borneman (Michigan Fire Council)
• Dan Lowell (Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control)
• Greg Guess (Ohio Division of Forestry)
• Jennifer Fawcett (North Carolina Cooperative Extension)
• John Sadler (Florida Forest Service)
• Kara Karboski (Washington Resource Conservation & Development Council)
• Kirk Will (Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control)
• Lee Osterland (Michigan Department of Natural Resources)
• Lenya Quinn-Davidson (University of California Cooperative Extension)
• Mark Melvin (Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center at Ichauway)
• Mike Norris (Washington Department of Natural Resources)
• Morgan Treadwell (Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service)
• Patrick Dudley (Texas Department of Agriculture)
• Todd Breininger (Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry)
• Tom Wilson (Illinois Department of Natural Resources)
• William Glesener (Minnesota Interagency Fire Center)

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