East Jemez Landscape Futures: A Collaborative Approach to Post-fire

The East Jemez Landscape Futures (EJLF) project is a collaborative, landscape-scale approach to help guide future planning and research efforts in the severely altered landscapes of the eastern Jemez Mountains….
Bringing Fire and Postfire Response into Alignment: Addressing the Double Emergency of Fire and Postfire Impacts in Today’s Fire Environment

This webinar brings together a panel of postfire response experts to reflect on their experiences in addressing community needs during recent large fires. The discussion will highlight important differences in…
Hot Burns, Cold Burns, and Everything In Between: Exploring Prescribed Burning’s Impacts on Forest Structure in the Appalachians

Jean Lorber introduced FLN partners’ work looking at the variability of prescribed burn effects by mapping canopy mortality using leaf-on imagery. Three practitioners who were involved with some of those…
Rivercane: A Culturally & Ecologically Significant Plant in the Appalachians

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Potential Operational Delineations: Developing PODs Collaboratively on Mixed Ownership Landscapes

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Certified Prescribed Burn Programs

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
African American Attitudes Toward & Experiences with Controlled Burning in Alabama, Florida and Georgia

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Lessons Learned from 12 Years of SBR FLN Fire Response Monitoring

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Did Your Prescribed Burn Meet Your Goals and Objectives?

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
20 Years of Partnership: Lessons Learned From the South Central Fire Learning Network

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.