20 Years of Partnership: Lessons Learned From the South Central Fire Learning Network

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Did Your Prescribed Burn Meet Your Goals and Objectives?

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Lessons Learned from 12 Years of SBR FLN Fire Response Monitoring

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Bringing Fire and Postfire Response into Alignment: Addressing the Double Emergency of Fire and Postfire Impacts in Today’s Fire Environment

This webinar brings together a panel of postfire response experts to reflect on their experiences in addressing community needs during recent large fires. The discussion will highlight important differences in…
East Jemez Landscape Futures: A Collaborative Approach to Post-fire

The East Jemez Landscape Futures (EJLF) project is a collaborative, landscape-scale approach to help guide future planning and research efforts in the severely altered landscapes of the eastern Jemez Mountains….
African American Attitudes Toward & Experiences with Controlled Burning in Alabama, Florida and Georgia

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Certified Prescribed Burn Programs

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Potential Operational Delineations: Developing PODs Collaboratively on Mixed Ownership Landscapes

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Rivercane: A Culturally & Ecologically Significant Plant in the Appalachians

In a series of short presentations, Arkansas partners recount the history and remarkable progress and accomplishments of their work together.
Hot Burns, Cold Burns, and Everything In Between: Exploring Prescribed Burning’s Impacts on Forest Structure in the Appalachians

Jean Lorber introduced FLN partners’ work looking at the variability of prescribed burn effects by mapping canopy mortality using leaf-on imagery. Three practitioners who were involved with some of those…