This webinar provides an overview of changing large wildfire regimes in the eastern U.S., highlighting increasing wildfire number, size, and total area burned within regions of the southeast. In addition, the presentation will discuss how changing wildfire dynamics impact public wildfire risk in the wildland-urban interface. This presentation will summarize the findings from a recent publication ( Following the presentation, there will be time for audience Q/A with the speaker.
A free one-hour webinar from the University of Florida IFAS and the Southern Fire Exchange. Society of American Foresters CFE Credit Expected. Presenter: Victoria M Donovan, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Forest Management, School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, University of Florida IFAS | West Florida Research and Education Center
If you can’t make the webinar, look for the recording to be posted on the Southern Fire Exchange YouTube Webinar Archive.