7th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop

Atlantic City, New Jersey

The International Association of Wildland Fire in partnership with the Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) and its three regional strategy committees, invite you to save the date for the  7th Annual National Cohesive Wildland Fire Management Strategy Workshop, September 16-19, 2024 in Atlantic City, New Jersey.  This event will take advantage of the unique opportunity to...

Fall Queer Burn Training

The Fall Queer Burn Training is a 4-day immersive campout at fancyland, a community-minded queer land project on Whilkut land, situated a half hour inland from Arcata, CA. Fancyland will serve as a demonstration site and place where treatments and techniques can be practiced, observed, and learned from year after year. This is an opportunity...

2024 Georgia Prescribed Fire Council Annual Meeting

The GPFC invites you to our annual meeting covering many aspects of Rx fire, this year we will be holding the meeting at Lake Blackshear! Registration and information can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2024-gpfc-statewide-meeting-registration-939462075357

Colorado Wildland Fire Conference

REGISTER TO SPONSOR, SUBMIT A PRESENTATION PROPOSAL, AND RESERVE LODGING NOW!Read the sponsor letter here.   Attendee registration due to open in April.  Questions? E-mail cwfc@fireadaptedco.org.

International Oak Symposium

The University of Tennessee’s School of Natural Resources is proud to host an International Oak Symposium in 2024 to provide a platform to exchange information and build collaborations around the best available science and technology on oak ecology and management for a global audience. The meeting will provide innovative and progressive formats to deliver and exchange information...

4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference

Santa Fe, NM

The Southwest Fire Science Consortium, Arizona Wildfire Initiative, and the Association for Fire Ecology are hosting the 4th Southwest Fire Ecology Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico from November 18-22, 2024. Our conference will bring together professionals to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and discuss the latest advancements in fire ecology research and management with a focus on...

RX-410 Smoke Management Techniques

The Southern Blue Ridge Fire Learning Network is hosting RX-410 in coordination with the USFS Southern Region. This course leads students through the ecological and historical role of fire; the characteristics of smoke; the health, safety, and visibility impact of smoke; public relations; legal requirements; meteorology; fuel consumption; smoke production dispersion modeling; and operational smoke...